Sunday, March 7, 2010

catch up

so, luke buddy is up to almost 16#s and 25.5" looks like he has daddy's tall stature. omg, he's madly in love with gregg. he smiles and coos to get his attention as soon as he spots him. and there's nothing in the world like seeing that. he's babbling away. mamamama, dadada, babababa, gagagaga and sometimes he accidentally says stuff like ta or na...adorable. of course, daddy loves dadadada and aj is sure bababababa is him. we all know mamama is the most favorite. ;) probably due to the fact that luke buddy is held more than not, he hasn't developed the rolling skills totally. he has no prob back to front, but he's hesitant front to back. but he did decide his little back is ready to sit up. we set him down and boom, he stayed. he leans of course, but he stays! my little weeble baby! anyway, i have to load the pics from my phone before i can share them, but i'll get it done...and before he's walking, hopefully. ;)