Tuesday, April 6, 2010

another daddy nap...and my fave. luke standing with morgie's help. but he's so happy to let go!!!

more pics

just wanted to add luke solves that whole pincer grasp issue (not that he has one; his pincer is intact. ) with his the oral fixation! ;) more next

first easter

kinda lost on the little guy. i brought luke and aj down to see what the easter bunny left for them and luke was far more interested in the morning bottle. although, once brother showed interest in his basket, luke's curiousity was perked. aj was astounded that the easter bunny had the same little baby snacks that we had...love that innocence! luke loved his little red race car...of course, he just chewed on it.

he has two, count them TWO full on, grown in bottom teeth. makes for an adorable grin...and as soon as i catch it, i'll share. he's shy with the toofers, but only with the camera. and now he has one on the side of the top growing in. and he's a trooper. no boohooing or fussing. just stick it to ya tough guy. maybe some snot nosedness, but that's an easy fix.

will add some pics...