Monday, May 10, 2010

or sked

once again, we'll be heading back to the or. this time, not so serious. he will be getting tubes in his little ears and an adenoidectomy. while he's under, they plan on a bronch to look at something "abnormal" on the xray, but it won't be anything. just a little sore throat for a coupl'a days. makes me sad, but as the theme seems to go...c'est la vie. one more thing to get over while he will have no idea. more will come. and i really will put up bday photos.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

mama is slow...

let's see. because of mama's slowgoingness (totally invented that, i'm sure), it's been a hot minute. luke buddy has since turned a whole year old. yes, for those of us who have been thru it with us, it's's a whole year in super speed! surprisingly, we haven't been to any...oops, take it back. was gonna say no docs, but we saw an ent because luke was having super huge ear infections after several rounds of antibiotics. so, dr. k wanted us to see a specialist. we'll go back wed to see if doc wants to put tubes in his ears. this child is a tough guy. you think...teething (he has 3 all the way thru and one pushing everyday) and continuous ear infections, not to mention the little butt rash from abx killing off the good flora, too...anyway, you'd think he would be a whiny baby. no way! it's all smiles and jabbers. sweetest little monkey you'd ever want to know! and he's got gorgeous locks. blond as can be with curls around the sides...and at the scar top right where the reservoir was shortlived. my point in mentioning no docs was to say that i have no idea how much he ways. i did measure him, he was about 28", while wiggling, mind you. he's long and lean like daddy. and just like daddy, he's a lover. pepe le pew and pepe le deux. i have both. :) and he and big brother are best buds. they absolutely thrive off each other. it's beautiful! luke is scooting and sitting and in no time, he's gonna start trying to pull up...he just has to figure out that there's another dimension he can get to. he's so curious and busy. my fears of his stunted personality and eagerness to learn has been put on a back, far back burner. he's amazing. and all day he tells us who he likes second best..."dadadadada" although i think i'm the one confused. it's amazing to watch him light up when gregg comes into his view. he loves him so much...of course, dad eats it up! since we moved, luke (when daddy's not the one watching him) sleeps in his own bed. we usually read some books with brother and then tuck aj in and then i cuddle luke buddy in my bed and sing or just pretend to sleep and he nods off. then off to his bed. he sleeps like a nut. he's allllll over his bed. props his foot up on the's adorable, but he soothes himself if he wakes and i keep telling gregg he's gonna pull himself up in there if you let him figure it out.
anyway, gotta go spoil myself with the lovely men, small medium and large in my life. i'll try to upload the bday party photos and add them, but i don't make promises. ;)