Wednesday, June 3, 2009

your mom must be a nurse...

on week three, baby decided he was finished with the vent. he extubated himself. which isn't at all uncommon for these little roughnecks. but usually it ends with a rush to a blue baby's bed with a second tube..bells and whistles screaming. but they said they just watched him...and he did fine. at least long enough for them to decide he could move onto cpap...that's the wretched albeit life sustaining device you see on his face in the first pictures. it pushed air into his immature lungs to maintain pressure needed for effective gas exchange in baby's blood. otherwise, he can't maintain his oxygen level. it didn't interfere with kangaroo care we started. little luke started to spoil us. we started holding him as soon as we were skin to skin most of the time. most helpful for baby and mommy.

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