Friday, December 25, 2009

merry first christmas

well, well, well...i've once again been blessed with a charming little angel. luke has been bombarded the last few days by people who are not strangers, but may have been meeting luke for the first time (and we're not saying you're not strange, aunt steph. ;) xoxo) and he's been an absolute blessing. well, we already knew he was a blessing, but he's just been adorable. full of smiles, and coos and even his special-for-gogi kisses. woot! i even got in on some of that...finally. of course, it's love at first site for everyone and we can't blame them. he got lots and lots of fun stuff...thank you everyone. and he is now snuggled with a special little seahorse, reminiscent of those lightning bug things i remember as a kid. (bellies that light up and play soft lullabies.) adorable. we got the greatest gift, including his crazy brother...and for me, i got gregg. i don't know how lucky he is to have me...but since i come with the two best gifts, i consider him pretty lucky. time for santa to go night night.

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