Saturday, November 14, 2009

long time no talk

so, it's much easier to add some photos and let them do the talking. i've tried countless times to add video, alas, it proves a much more complicated task than i realized. i've added videos before, but it just keeps saying that it's loading and when i wake up the next morning (because i can't wait as long as is necessary), it says shock.

anyway, will try try again. luke is going on 7 mos; 4 mos adjusted, and he's every bit of it. he holds his head up all the way by himself and does NOT want to rest it anymore....except to rub the hair in the back off shaking his head "no" in the carseat, or anywhere his head might rub come to think of it. i don't know what the sensation is, but i think it's thrilling to him. and totally amusing to us. we use it to have conversation a la patch adams and the catatonic hand raiser. great movie! but besides that bit, he likes to pretend he's grown and set up straight, bobbly head and all. he jumps at all the sounds going on around, usually it's brother or daddy and he watches intently, learning. to mention another movie, the curious case of benjamin button...well, not only does he favor the old man/baby because of the haircut and other physical attributes, but i swear sometimes, thanks to daddy's contribution of the look (solemn thought), he gives you the idea that he's comtemplating some heavy duty stuff. and we've tried introducing him to his feet...he sees them, but makes no effort to taste them yet...other than the little licks i've given him in introduction. but he sucks that tiny little thumb until he manages to find and maneuver the whole fist into his face. i keep looking for teeth to pop thru...i think he's still too young, but he is like a puppy with the chewing. i've bought him several "chew toys", but he prefers his hands...i've tried giving him the paci instead, but he can't chew that and keep it in his, i still think it's too early, but i always check because good god, i'm keeping the couch out of his reach. ;) what else cute stuff...oh yeah, the kickety kick in the bathtub. funniest thing. i wish i could put that vid up, but i'm not exposing my bare child for this funky world...suffice it to say, you'd laugh, you'd'd vote it funniest video. he has a look of sheer determination and kicks those little legs as hard and as fast as he can. his little bathtub is a whale and he rests to top of his body on the upturned tail and his tush balances on a hump at the base. well, he kicks so hard that his booty disengages the bump and over he goes into the deep blue sea...he's big enough now that it's not a big deal, he doesn't even go under, but when he first started it, he went under when he did it. he may be an adventurist, because i think that's his goal everytime. crazy little guy. i have been unable to keep up with his appetite, so he's been introduced to formula...i continue to breastfeed and pump, but he would be on some kind of fad diet if that's all i was doing. mothers are unappreciated for the work that goes into's so natural...okay, obviously, those thinkers have never been hooked up to a breastpump! :) back to the unappreciated part...of course i want it to be a smooth transition for the little guy to start formula, but a small part of me wants him to notice the difference and at least take one bottle or two to warm up to the fraudulent milk...oh no! luke jumped right on it...fat boy gobbled it up without a peep and was content. okay, okay...i'm thrilled, too. i'm happy his tummy agreed and he didn't spit it out in disgust. not to mention, it's a heck of a lot more convenient than waiting for my frozen milk to thaw and warming it to just the right temp...and dear god, don't waste not one little drop of that liquid gold! breastfeeding can still be there, but it seems that's more like a paci than a bottle now. whatever...i'll just do the oh so natural pumping and get it into him in bulk. :) he's probably 11+ pounds now and i said before he was 24 inches i think, but a more accurate measurement gave us 22". so, he's not some giant, just a little miniature daddy long legs. ;) oh yeah, one more thing about the eating deal...his pedi said we could go ahead and start baby food. well, that was hell week. i think we'll go by his adjusted age and start in a couple of weeks at 4 mos adjusted. he couldn't get that food out the other end and was screaming and then we were doing the same...nothing a little glycerin can't handle.
so we're sticking with the pseudo milk for the time being and fattening the little guy up. we're learning how to work with him to help him reach his highest potential and catch up to those fat term babies.
*baby squeaks out, ready for a bottle...
time to go :)

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