Wednesday, November 18, 2009


on our carrier, there is a tag, given by one of the many specialists we see due to our child's prematurity...this one is from the pulmonologist. it's a stop sign, that says wash your hands before you touch mine....
i know i can be a germaphobe. ...a little less phobic and more sensible this time around than with aj, but for many reasons, not the least of which is the pandemic swine flu, would i allow strangers to put their paws all over my child. well, neither one, but especially luke. wouldn't believe how many people have reached down and just touched him, like it was okay before i even have a chance to curtail it! at halloween, i guess because she was touching his monkey suit, she felt it okay, but where do you think those little hands go first??? right into his he has your nasty germs to slurp on. how dare you! and don't even get me started on "ruth ann" at the drs office...perfect stranger asked if she could hold my child. i'm sorry, did i hear you correctly?, mind you, if i saw a mom with child in hand, another running circles around her and she's trying to fill out paperwork, i may offer assistance...and let her choose my task, but luke was in his carrier, playing with his chicken, happy as could be. can you hold him? uh, can you read, heifer? stop! don't touch. no, you may not hold! there's more to that story but it will only keep me up if i tell it again. that was one time i wish gregg was with me. i try to maintain peace because you just never know what kind of person you're dealing with and what they may do. i don't get really worried for myself, but having the boys makes a huge difference. gregg would not have been concerned for her mentation or feelings, he would've told her to stuff it.
anyway, i can't help that my little boy is possibly the cutest thing you've ever seen and you can't resist the urge to at least try and get your hands on him, but please, please...and tell your friends...don't ask to hold a strangers baby....keep your hands to yourself...seriously, what's wrong with people?
okay that was i'll try to load a vid.

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