Wednesday, August 5, 2009

catching up

oh my...where do i start. i haven't really really sat down and wrote in a minute. i did a quick jot the other night, but i've been trying to switch back to a day sked after working my normal weekend. this, too, is written on borrowed sleep time. i think luke is finally snuggled and fed enough...if not, i'll be doing this one handed as i toss him over a shoulder and pat his little back. (he loves that.) well, he's been an absolute joy to have home. definitely a work in progress, but we're getting the swing of managing a wound up four year old and a spoiled little peanut ...all while trying to maintain a little normalcy in the place. it's a matter of directing energy...mostly aj's, because mine usually tries to sleep in no matter what time of day. :) we're eating at mostly every 3 hours still...sometimes we stretch it as far as six hours the other night. (as you might imagine, i lost several hours of sleep waithing for the grunts and groans that signal luke is fully awake and ready to eat...) and the most he's gulped down is 3 ounces before getting that glazed look and lying helplessly satisfied in your arms in his eyes half open sleep. when we go out, people see how small he is and i hear them (if they don't directly ask) ponder at how new he is. those who ask are shocked when i say he's 3 1/2 mos. they think i meant to say weeks. i forget how small he is. of course to us, he's big now. he looks perfectly normal except for that bad haircut. i can see the expression on people's faces when they notice his bad haircut. it's almost laughable...altho, i hope they don't think i did it...or worse, paid someone else to do it. when i tell people about his shunt, they give pity. i remember when the word was first mentioned to us, i thought i was gonna fall apart, but as the time passes and i hold my perfect little sweetheart, "shunt" has become a pattern of letters and nothing more. no thing to feel dread.
luke loves getting a bath. some pics were posted. adorable. and i love to snuggle him and stick my nose in that new baby scent. he hates to be lotioned, but that's tough beans, it makes him all the more cute. we don't do it everyday, just on those special days when someone's gonna be sniffing his head. :) well, besides me.
as i mentioned about that borrowed time. baby is finally satisfied and sound asleep, so i think i should at least redirect ot the bed. hope it's been enough baby talk to enjoy.
oh funny story. luke has gerd. dr. k, pediatrician extraordinaire (we heart k), suggested adding a tiny bit of cereal to the bottles luke gets to thicken it. (he gets at least one a day, even with me.) anyway, and i passed the info to gregg when we returned from dr. k and the following was the story...:
me: k said....blah blah blah
gregg: cereal? you mean like cheerios?

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