Monday, August 17, 2009

tippin the scales...

at 7#6 oz. and about 3 ft tall...okay, that last parts a joke, but it certainly seems like that. he's, luckily, got his daddy's long lean build..wheras, aj is purely my small little dwarf twin. :)

luke is trying really hard to catch up with his peers. he's just starting to really look at you and listen when you talk to him, which, as you may imagine, makes it really hard to leave for work! he's forming his little mouth into would-be sounds, but none are quite coming out yet. he's still with the grunts, but they're morphing into more coo-like sounds. he absolutely loves snuggling. can't help but do it, too. he works on tummy time more on our chests than anywhere else and he responds well that way...looking up to see our face. and no matter where aj is, luke will turn to see him when he talks. i think the first smile will come by way of these other fellas in the house...he seems to enjoy all the ruckus when they start playing. as long as it's after he's eaten, he likes to sit and "watch" them. little mouth open...still with the "air leak." he's eating so much and we've thickened it per dr. k so as to prevent that awful gerd. and it seems to work...not to mention it helps fill that endless every 3 hour pit so we can actually get more than an hour sleep at a time. that is, if you can convince yourself that he's not just about to wake up starving....he definitely has us trained! it's funny because he changes from day to day and i forgot how that happens. it's still so magical with a second one. alas, he has started a few seconds to start some pics...

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